Friday, September 26, 2008

Special days are meant to be celebrated!

Today the girls and I took a quick shopping trip to Kroger. We had gone apple picking last week and I needed to get some freezer bags so I could freeze some pie filling for the winter...yummy! While at the checkout I noticed the date, September 26th. This day is an important day in the Velasquez family history because exactly one year ago on this date we discovered that we would be soon getting an addition to the family!

After loading the groceries and the children in the van, I told Mia that today was special and reminded her of the day that her and Mommy found out that Lydia was in mommy's belly! She asked, "So, is today Lydia's birthday?" I tried my best to explain that it wasn't a birthday, but a "special" day none the less. Thinking like a 3 year old she then said, "Well mommy, if it's a special day, then we should celebrate!" I asked her what she thought we should do to celebrate and she replied with, "I think Lydia would like to get a Happy Meal from McDonalds!" Typical for Mia to want to celebrate with a Happy Meal!! Since I'm on a diet, and a budget for that matter (thanks, Aron!), I told her we could not get a Happy Meal today but we would do something else to celebrate! So we now have an apple pie baking in the oven and we're going to have a little family celebration after dinner!! Thanks Mia for reminding Mommy that special days are meant to be celebrated!!

And thank you Lord for blessing us with our beautiful Lydia Ruth!! I know I speak for all of my family when I say that we could not imagine our world without her! She is a true blessing and tonight we're going to celebrate her, and our family!

Love to all!

1 comment:

Matt Valantine said...

Mia is the best! i will miss her so much. celebrating the important things is smart! you guys got it right on this one!

thanks again for the reception last night!