Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's okay to cry!

Wow, it's been a little while since I've been able to sit down and write! I guess you'll have that with two little ones!

In my last post I had written about how I was having an emotional time. Well the next day all of my emotions came out to a dear friend on the phone! (Thanks Kati for listening!) I've always had this "rule" that I won't cry in front of Mia. Some may call that silly, but I never want her to get nervous or upset because mommy is crying. On this particular day there was no holding back as my emotions overcame me and began to let it all out. At first Mia was very quiet and just watched me looking a little confused. As I continues talking and crying, she began to bring tissues over to me one by one. She's so sweet. After getting off the phone she asked me if I was okay and I explained to her that sometimes you just need to cry! Later that afternoon we were grocery shopping and the store was completely out of something that I needed. I must have looked disappointed because Mia, who was sitting in the front of the cart, began rubbing my shoulder and said, "Are you going to need a tissue, because it's okay to cry mommy!" She's my sensitive one!

On some lighter notes, Lydia is working on some teeth. I think her fist is in her mouth every waking moment. She is also rolling over regularly and now loving to play in her exersaucer! She's getting so fun! She cracks herself up when she pushes the buttons and makes her toy light up! I love the sound of her laughter!

I told Mia we would do something special this afternoon and she has chosen to go see the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua...pray for me! ha! Thankfully we have a really cheap theater here in BG and it only costs $ if I have to take Lydia out it won't be a big deal. Plus I really don't think Mia will sit still for a whole movie! This will be an adventure!

Love and blessings!

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