Friday, October 17, 2008

We need each other!

Anyone who knows my family knows that my girls are sleepers! They love their sleep and are cranky when they don't get enough! (I have no idea who they inherit that from!)

On Wednesday I was the first one awake at 9:00am...I know rough life! While the girls were still sleeping, I decided to have a quiet breakfast and get some things done around the house. I was able to get a lot accomplished, but after 2 1/2 hours of pure silence in my house, I was going insane!! I found myself walking around aimlessly as if I didn't know how to function without little ones calling after me, or needing me to do something for one of them! I was lonely! I peeked in on Mia and she was still snoozing away. I peered over the bassinet at Lydia and she was still dreaming away. What was I going to do with myself?

It was now 11:30am and I decided they had slept long enough! I purposely started making noise around the bedrooms until they started to stir! Before too much longer they were both awake and both "needing" me! As the house went from 0 to chaos in 30 seconds, at first I thought, "What was I thinking?" But then I was reminded of that lonely feeling I was experiencing just moments before. It wasn't even bothering me that Mia was whining for juice while I was changing Lydia and getting ready to feed her, while she was also whining! I was needed again! That's when it hit me! I need them as much as they need me...or maybe I need them more than they need me! I love that they need their mommy! I love that I get to stay home and be their mommy!

I'm still undecided if I need them more or if they need me more! Whichever the case, my girls reminded me we need each other! It's good to be needed, wanted, and loved. So many times I forget to mention to the people in my life how much they mean to me and how much I need them. Let this be a simple reminder to take time to tell people how important they are in your life! Everyone likes to feel needed and appreciated!

Love and Blessings friends!

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